Steel Ball Valves
ball valves are suitable for District Heating (CHP) installations, heat transfer piping, oil lines and oxygen-free water lines.
Branching Ball Valves
Ball Valves are suitable for District Heating (CHP) installations, heat transfer piping, oil lines and oxygen-free water lines. Available with full and reduced bore.
Stainless Steel Ball Valves
The stainless steel is a one-piece, all-welded, soft-seated on/off valve designed for a wide range of services in the chemical and process industries. It is used for oil, air and other liquids and gases which do not attack the valve at the temperatures and pressures specified in the diagram below.
Gas Ball Valves
Gas ball valves are designed for shut-off applications in natural gas pipelines. All valves fulfil the requirements of European Pressure directive (97/23/EY) and are manufactured to category lll (module H).
Steam Ball Valves
steam ball valves are designed for on-off service. The valves are specially suitable for steam, condensate, hot oil, gas and other non-corrosive media.
Longstem Ball Valves
longstem ball valves are type tested according to the EN488 standard and fulfill the requirements of this standard.
Control Valves
control valves are designed for control of liquid flows in heating, cooling and air-conditioning systems.control valves can also be used as shut-off valves.
Ball valve welded full
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